In this tutorial, We are going to understand what is Object and how we can create Objects in the javascript.
What is Object?
An object is a collection of properties, and a property is an association between a name (or key) and a value. A property’s value can be a function, in which case the property is known as a method.
Let’s take an example, Suppose we have a Coffee cup. It has properties like the blue in color, hot in nature, etc. So let’s convert this real life object into the computer language.
Open the Cloud9 Online Editor . (It’s a online code editor available online.).
1234 //Start withvar coffeeObject = {};
Now we write the properties for it.
1 2 3 4 5 6 | var coffeeObject = { color : 'blue', plateType : 'Flat', isHot : true, temperatureInC : '96', }; |
An Object can have method associated, Let’s have function/method that can be used to convert the temperature in C to F and attached to our coffeeObject.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | var coffeeObject = { color : 'blue', plateType : 'Flat', isHot : true, temperatureInC : '96', convertIntoF : function(coffeeObject.temperatureInC){ console.log('Temperature in C'+coffeeObject.temperatureInC); temperatureInF = coffeeObject.temperatureInC× 9/5 + 32; console.log('Temperature in F'+temperatureInF); } }; console.log("Cofee Mug Color :- "+ coffeeObject.color); console.log("Cofee plateType :- "+ coffeeObject.plateType); console.log("Cofee isHot :- "+ coffeeObject.isHot); coffeeObject.convertIntoF(); |
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To access the Object key, we have to use the dot pattern. e.g object.key.
Please note you can also access the object key’s value by
1 | console.log(coffeeObject['color']); |
That’s all folks in the next tutorial we are going to learn more about the object oriented programming in javascript.
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